Below you will find the list of events for the pack.  Please refer to the calendar for when they will happen. Events are displayed below in the rough order in which they will happen over the Scouting year (August to July).

Note1: Not all events happen ever year.
Note2: We also do monthly hikes, which you can find on their own page.

Information Night

Come and find out what Scouting is all about as well as how Pack 1015 operates.

Welcome Back BBQ

The kickoff to the year.

Coastal Cleanup

Help keep Alameda beaches beautiful.

Overnight on the Balclutha

checkout more here:

Scout Olympics

Complete in fun events such as Paper Airplane Throw, Ping Pong Relay Race, and Water Balloon Toss.

Santa Cruz Boardwalk Overnight

Camp on the boardwalk. Play games. Ride the rides. A highlight for many scouts. See the beach boardwalk website for more info:

Halloween Trash Pickup

Halloween is a great time to dress up and collect candy. Unfortunately the holiday generates a lot of trash. Pack 1015 does their part to make sure the refuse created with the holiday gets cleaned up.

Holiday Caroling

An important part of Cub Scouting is contributing to our local community. Our annual tradition of Christmas Caroling brings the joy of the holiday season to older folks in a local Alameda nursing home. The entire family is invited. Cookies and hot cocoa will be served after the caroling. We will spend a little time warming up the vocal chords, outside the facility. We’ll sing to residents assembled in the foyer, then carol the halls to reach the residents who are unable to get out of bed.

Rain Gutter Ragatta

Build a sailboat and race against your troop-mates. This event is less competitive compared to the Pinewood Derby.

Board Games and Pizza

This happens a few times a year. Held either at a park or at the Elk’s lodge depending on the weather / time of year. Its BYOG (Bring your own game) and Pizza is provided.

Cake Boss

This fundraiser is very important for the success of our Pack 1015 scouting program and we strive to get everyone’s participation in the baking and buying of our scouts’ cakes. This is also one of those great opportunities that Scouting provides to introduce our scouts to an activity they might not have tried before–baking and cake decorating.
We encourage you to make a cake the day before to ensure freshness.

Winter Lodge

Winter Lodge is always a highlight of the scouting year and not to be missed!  3 days / 2 nights next to Lake Tahoe. Bingo, Skits, Pizza, Hot Chocolate, Board Games, and (if the weather cooperates) snow activities. We rent out all of Camp Richardson.

Pinewood Derby

Are you ready for some thrilling racing action!? Oh, wait–we have to open the box and MAKE the car first…  This event is serious business, the difference between first place and just having fun is a portion of a second. Along with Blue and Gold, this event is one of our quintessential Cub Scout events

Blue and Gold

A long tradition in Scouting. This is our graduation ceremony for Webelo 2s to graduate from Cub Scouts to Scout troop.

Scout Day at the Oakland A’s

Put on your uniform, walk the A’s field, and watch a game of MLB.

Overnight at the Hornet

Explore, learn from the docents, and sleep in the bunks of the USS Hornet, a floating museum.

Troop Camping Trip

As a Den you may do one ore more trips, this trip is for folks across the Troop to meet and experience nature together. Typically we try to secure a few sites at China Camp.