Welcome to Pack 1015

Check out our typical yearly events or when our upcoming events will happen.

Send us an email at <info at pack1015.org>

Make a donation or pay dues to the Pack using Venmo – @pack1015

[When using Venmo, do not enable “Purchase” toggle; That toggle is intended for commercial transactions only.]


Donations to the Pack

Pack 1015 is a non-profit organization. The Pack is ran by volunteers and all the proceeds are donated to the community. Please consider donating and helping us reach out to many more people who might be in need.  Pack 1015 develops youth, adults, and families who in turn directly impact their communities. Pack 1015 would like to provide the highest quality programs to our Scouts who in turn will reach out our communities in moment of needs.  


Pack 1015 Nondiscrimination Policy

Pack 1015 will not deny membership in our program to any youth or adult leader on the basis of sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, religion, disability, or economic status.